- Church
- Ministry
- All people
- Civil authority
- Special needs / particular trials within the congregation
Also as with the others (and as was required for the assignment), it is heavily based on the Scriptures and made up almost entirely of Scriptural phrases, references, and quotations -- because, again, it's an excellent way to unite our desires and requests with the will of God, and ask Him for those things He delights to give. Pray with me, if you would:
An Intercession
Holy and life-giving Father, Lord of light and life
Giver of every good and perfect gift,
God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ
Our great High Priest
Who ever lives to make intercession for us before Your throne
Hear our requests in His name
As we join in His intercession
As we join in His intercession
And for His sake give ear to our plea:
For Your holy church, the bride of Your beloved Son
That she would be purified in every way
Cleansed of every stain and wrinkle
A bright mirror of Your glory
A bright mirror of Your glory
To light this darkened world
That she would be healed of every division and disease
Her members working in peace and unity
Of one mind and heart with each other
That she would be healed of every division and disease
Her members working in peace and unity
Of one mind and heart with each other
And of one spirit with You.
Praise to You, O God who purifies, heals, and unites!
For Your ministers and priests of every kind and in all places
That they would serve as Christ, our great High Priest
In earnest love, faithful devotion, and blameless life
Filled with the joy of Your Holy Spirit
Who alone empowers for such work.
Praise to You, O God of love, and faithfulness, and strength!
For all peoples everywhere, made to bear Your image and know Your love
That they would turn to You, who desire none to perish
And find in Christ, Your son, all life
All truth, all peace, all forgiveness
And salvation from the enemy.
That they would be delivered from selfishness and pride
And would walk in peace and love.
Raise up the downtrodden, free the oppressed
And relieve the suffering.
Praise to You, O God who saves the lost, forgives the sinners, and raises the dead!
For all rulers and leaders, who do not bear the sword in vain
That they would be ministers of Your righteousness
Casting down the proud and unjust
Guarding the innocent and humble
And rewarding good.
That their ways and judgements will be just
So justice and peace may prevail upon the earth
And wickedness find no place of acceptance
But be destroyed.
Praise to You, O God of righteousness, justice, and judgement!
For our congregation here, together seeking Your grace
That we might grow together into Christ, who is our Head
Reaching the measure of the stature of His fullness
Together knowing His love which surpasses knowledge
In the unity of Your Holy Spirit.
That those who are in any particular need or distress
Would be strengthened by Your grace
Becoming steadfast through the testing of their faith
And be swiftly delivered by Your mercy.
Praise to You, O God of infinite and unfathomable love, grace, and mercy!
Praise, indeed, to You, gracious Father,
For You have promised to hear us when we call
To give ear when we pray according to Your will
And You are ever ready to give Your Spirit to those who ask.
We have sought You in the name of Your Son
By Whom we are able to confidently approach Your throne
And therefore we give You thanks for the reconciliation
That He has wrought for us with You
So that we might call to You in faith
Knowing that You love us
And so will hear.
Hear us, therefore, we pray, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit
One God, now and forever. Amen.
In case it may be helpful to anyone, here are the question and answers from the beginning of this assignment:
- What are the theological foundations for intercessory prayer in public worship?
- First is the central Christian teaching on the character and nature of God: as Trinity, God is not isolated, apathetic, or closed off to us. He is love in the living dynamism of community, a community that is not merely reciprocal but also outward-reaching; He offers Himself to us and for us and calls us to Himself. Since He cares about and for us, He hears our prayers and is moved by our requests.
- Second is the doctrine of the person and work of Jesus Christ, whose earthly ministry to us and heavenly ministry of intercession for we who have by His condescension become His brothers is continued and participated in by the church’s prayers of intercession in His name and as His body.
- Third is the doctrine of the Church, which is the body of Christ and a living community of fellowship and love in the bond of the Holy Spirit, whose work of healing, helping, upbuilding, uniting, and so on we participate in by interceding for one another and for others. The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ and makes manifest His life in us, which includes making us participants in His work -- including that of intercession. Further, intercessory prayer for one another unites us in love and encouragement with each other, which is again a work of God in which we participate.
God bless and keep you all in His love, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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