Thursday, March 16, 2017

Prayers, Part 3: For Illumination

Since "prayers of illumination" may be somewhat of an unfamiliar phrase (or perhaps even concept) these days, I thought it was worth including the whole assignment in which this prayer was written. The two questions basically answer "why?" and "what?" regarding prayers of illumination. The prayer itself is largely based on the end of Ephesians 3. Enjoy, and join me in prayer. 

  1. Why should we pray prayers of illumination?
ANS: As all revelation and knowledge of God is a gift of grace given by him, being otherwise utterly unattainable for us on our own, so it is also his grace alone which is able to make us rightly recognize and understand that revelation and make it effective in its purpose of uniting us to himself. It is therefore a right (and even necessary) thing to ask God for the wisdom he has promised to give us -- the wisdom we cannot do without and cannot of ourselves attain -- as we approach his Word.
  1. What should we pray for in a prayer of illumination?
ANS: We ought first to bless and exalt the great God of love who for the sake of his love for us reveals himself to us and delights in granting us the wisdom and knowledge of himself that we seek, and then we ought to ask him that by his Holy Spirit he would so enlighten our whole selves that we might have ears to hear, minds to understand, and hearts to respond to his Word, through his Son, Jesus Christ.
  1. Compose a prayer for illumination using scriptural expressions.

“Glorious and merciful God
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
the Lord of Glory

According to the riches of your glory
grant us to be strengthened inwardly
by your Holy Spirit
So that we might have strength to comprehend
with all the saints, and come to fully know
The love of Christ which surpasses knowledge
and so be filled with all your fullness

Through Jesus Christ, your Son
To whom with You and the Holy Spirit
whose power it is that works all this within us
Be glory and praise, now and forever. Amen.

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