Friday, April 10, 2020

Kenosis (a poem for Easter weekend)

Matthew 27:1-54
Jeremiah 2:13, 17:13
Isaiah 43:11, 20-25; 53:6
Hebrews 2:14-17; 13:12
Psalm 24:7-10
1 Peter 4:6
Romans 14:9


To th'place of broken cisterns he descends
and there to match them his own vessel rends
or lets them rend -- the Fountain, thus to give
from his own side the draught we need to live.
--Water in the wilds, and desert streams!
The ostriches and jackals he redeems
shall honor him, although the sheep have strayed,
and on him their iniquity is laid.
Alone he blots transgressions out, the LORD,
the only Savior, everlasting Word
of Life, now written in the earth with those
who turned away, forsook his name, for whose
lives he gives up his own. But now Death is
no more the last word written here in this
or any lower place-- "Lift up your heads,
O gates! O ancient doors, be opened wide!"
Eternal Life has come down for the dead,
the King of Glory for those who reside
in darkness and death's shadow, who were lost
to dissolution, separation. Death,
the Lord of Hosts has come to claim your host
as well; your reign has ended with his breath.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday (a Poem)

Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9, Colossians 1:15-20, Psalm 62, Psalm 68:32-33, Isaiah 11, Luke 1:51-52, John 1:16, Ephesians 3:19

The King arrives, but on a colt
Has he no image to uphold?
He rides in on a donkey's foal
Is exaltation not his goal?

Yet thus are prophecies fulfilled
In him who spoke and waters stilled
And that same breath here bears more weight
Than all the lowly and the great

In th'balances they rise as one
Like feathers, weighed against the Son
Of God and Man, in whom the high
And low both find their archetype

Hosannas from the common rise
To him whose way was in the skies
But now is on a burden-beast
Identifying with the least

As with Balaam an ass has been
Exalted over lords of men
For this one bore such weight alone
Of glory as will crush each throne

Of worldy kings, and make them mules
Their robes the frippery of fools
Against Eternity enfleshed
Accepting praise thus poorly dressed.

See how the mighty are brought down!
How all the humble, from the ground,
Are raised up by the Lord who rides
In meekness, though in him resides

All majesty, dominion, pow'r,
Authority, while in this hour
Abasement is his exaltation
Th'ensign raised for ev'ry nation

Glorious shall be his rest
Who makes his glory manifest
In lowliness, on donkey's back
His fullness giving for our lack.