Monday, June 21, 2021

Humility (a Poem for Good Friday)


Matthew 27 (& etc.)

Peri Pascha (by Melito of Sardis)


The One who set the stars in place Himself is set with nails
He, mercilessly mocked and scorned, whose mercy never fails
Those hands which span the heavens and guide galaxies in course
Now stretched out on a cross of wood, must strain, each breath to force
As He who hung the moon and sun is hung beneath their gaze
The Radiance of the Father's glory, flogged in place of praise

That Word whose pow'r sustains existence answered none at all
To those who lied to see Him tried, condemned without a fault
A crown of thorns and nakedness adorn the King of kings
The End of all true sacrifice giv'n up as Offering
How dark becomes the sky above this scorning of the Light--
The Lord of Hosts arrested, tortured, here without a fight!

What greater darkness shows within the heart and soul and mind
Of men, who work thus to destroy the Maker of mankind!
What fickle and ungrateful crowd, so readily deceived
To render thus the breath He gave: "Let Him be crucified!"
So that at their behest the Judge of all mankind received
The judgement of mankind and died.

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