Sunday, October 15, 2017


This life of love, it is so hard consistently to live
(But not, my Lord, for You)
[While You, from all eternity]

To all of myself selflessly at ev'ry moment give
(Who bore even the cross)
[Exist as selfless, out-poured Gift]

And in my finite imperfection so much falls between the cracks.
(To make all things anew)
[And now Your love, to heal our rift]

Have mercy, Lord of love: Let Your perfections make up for my lacks.
(Redeeming ev'ry loss.)
[Has made Your Spirit dwell in me.]

Saturday, October 14, 2017

O Wake Your Eyes

O Wake your eyes, to drink the light
With vision deeper than mere sight
That sees the love in fire furled
Unrolled in beams that light the world
And more: your soul, if you can see
Through them the God from whom proceed
All good and perfect gifts, whose Word
Sustains all light and life, toward
Which we should ever gaze, until
Our lives conform to all His will.

So wake your heart, to drink like wine
In light the gift of Love Divine
Who gives and undergirds all things
Whose flesh is food, whose blood true drink:
The bread of new, unending life
To raise the dead beyond all strife;
A tonic to heal ev'ry wound
In which sin's poison can be found.

O wake your soul, to drink this Light
Until it all in you abide
In all Its uncreated bright-
ness. Not all those with eyes have sight,
But if you're one with ears to hear
Then wake your eyes, and drink, my Dear.